Selfish MOM!
A Story of Selfish Mom! Dear Mom please tells me, who am I? I know , you can’t say. I’m the unfortunate child born in the darkness of ...
Brows First & Knows First
A Story of Selfish Mom! Dear Mom please tells me, who am I? I know , you can’t say. I’m the unfortunate child born in the darkness of ...
Women's Day! Better half does not mean that half of a bed shareholder. Happiness and sorrow of every side is meant to better half. It...
Some Basic Knowledge of Speed up your Computer Sometimes our mood gets worse due to the slowing of the computer. This problem is pa...
Real Madrid 0-1 Barcelona (Rakitic) La Liga leaders Barcelona won a tight and tense 'Clasico' 1-0 at Real Madrid on Saturday, ...
El Clásico again at Baranabu Just two days apart, the world's most famous is spreading El Clásico sitting tonight. Two days before...
What is Self-Criticism? Self-realization is the only way to self-criticism that instills in our innermost qualities. Its proper upbring...
Blue whales detour in search for food: Study Every spring, the largest animals in the world, blue whales, migrate from their winter bre...
৪-১ এগ্রিগেডে ফাইনালে বার্সা গ্যালারির দর্শক, মাঠের ঘাস...সবই নিজেদের; নিজেদের জগৎ, নিজেদের দুর্গ...। তবু রিয়াল মাদ্রিদের এই দশা! এ যেন ...
Still no Isco as Madrid and Unchangeable Barca Squad Isco remains on the sidelines after Real Madrid named a 20-man squad for Wednesday...
ভক্তের ছেলের নাম রাখলেন জেমস ব্যান্ড সংগীতের তারকা জেমসের অন্ধভক্ত প্রিন্স মোহাম্মদ। জেমসের টানে একদিন কিশোরগঞ্জ থেকে ছুটে আসেন ঢাকায়...
Green Book wins Oscar for best picture The 2019 Oscars were a win for films telling stories from a range of racial and cultural perspec...
‘Xi cult’ app China’s new hit A propaganda app that puts China’s powerful president Xi Jinping in anyone’s pockets has become a hit...
৩ মিনিটের সিসিটিভি ভিডিওতে ফাঁস হলো সিলিন্ডার নয় পারফিউমের গুদামই হলো আগুনের সূত্রপাতের কারণ